Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Atlantian Twelfth Night 2022: Construction Research

    Building a GFD/Cotte… how to do?

  • Atlantian Twelfth Night 2022: Construction Research

    The theme for the Kingdom of Atlantia’s Twelfth Night 2022 celebration is 14th Century France. Normally I stick to later period, but a proper Gothic Fitted Dress/Cothardie/whatever you’d like to call the basic fitted dresses in Medieval Europe has been on my ‘to sew’ list for a while so I am taking the plunge! Garment […]

  • Atlantian Twelfth Night 2022: The Plan

    There’s a 12th Night celebration coming soon… and of course I am plotting new garb…

  • Storvik Novice: Scroll Blank

    This in-progress scroll is based on a page from a Book of Hours by the Master of the Paris Bartholemus Anglicus, who was employed at the court of Anjou c. 1440’s. Details on the source material are available on the auction website here. Original exemplar image below.

  • State of Construction: French Gown Ensemble

    It’s been a minute! In late December 2020, I decided to take a mulligan on the Calontir Clothing Challenge. While I loved the concept of the Challenge and working on a project at the same time as other, incredibly talented artisans, I had several other opportunities and responsibilities emerge in both my SCA and mundane […]

  • Calontir Clothing Challenge – October 2020 Update

    Roadblocks happen. Sometimes they are planned, sometimes they are a surprise. Mine is both. Halfway into the month of October, my life changed when little miss Athena d’Cheneau walked into my life. The newest member of the Atelier family, she was an 8 1/2 lb bundle of energy, playfulness, teeth, and exhaustion-inducing care. Athena is […]

  • Storvik Virtual Court Tech Setup

    Technical notes from the Virtual Royal Court of Their Majesties Anton and Luned, hosted by the Barony of Storvik. This post is intended to record how I handled the technical aspects of the event. I was responsible for the tech portion of the Court – specifically, the camera angles, microphone, and general technology in the […]

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